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Show Notes

Today, my guest is Brittany Taylor. Brittany and I met "randomly" as she was looking for a mentor who could guide her through her military career, entrepreneurial dreams, and health journey. She found me. 

This episode discusses removing limited beliefs and connecting with our innermost selves.

Please join my Free Community - Jodi Watkins' Life and Health Community: I also house our podcasts inside this platform for ongoing engagement.

Link up with Brittany on all her platforms. Find her as "mrcheetohead." Brittany is the epitome of fire and fight. She has been through so much but still takes steps forward daily. 

I am grateful to know Brittany and to see all she's doing now. She has her Podcast called "Room for It" and invites you to be part of her journey. 

I appreciate all my guests for this show and pray it continues to grow as it's meant to grow. 

Thank you for tuning in. Make sure you reach out to Brittany and let her know your thoughts. If you need encouragement, reach out. 

I hope you will share this show with others.




You are NOT alone!

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Support the show

Breaking Barriers Now is sponsored by Convene Connections Corporation and 1st Approved Financial.

Thank you all for being a part of this mission and for allowing me to facilitate these stories in ways I never imagined being able to.

Please share the podcast with everyone you know, and if you are interested in being a sponsor or guest, please get in touch with Jodi Watkins through her link at

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