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Show Notes

My guest today is the husband of our last guest and another fantastic individual who took his trauma and turned it into his purpose, Dr. Mike Longyear.

Dr. Mike's passion for helping others comes from his experience of having been paralyzed through a traumatic football injury during his sophomore year in high school. he beat the odds and did what the doctors said was impossible. He walked out of the hospital!

His passion led him to study many disciplines: Chiropractic, Neurology, Psychology, Functional Medicine, and Energy Medicine, to name a few. These disciplines have all helped him design his unique brand of health care, and he is helping people heal from conditions that other medical professionals could not heal.

Dr. Mike now helps people never accept their new normal, which is where his book title came from.

Check out his book, Never Accept Your New Normal, at

If you want to schedule a consultation with Dr. Meg or Dr. Mike, go to their website at

I truly appreciate this power couple for sharing their stories and how they can now use their pain for their purpose.

I look forward to collaborating with them more in the future!

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Breaking Barriers Now is sponsored by Convene Connections Corporation and 1st Approved Financial.

Thank you all for being a part of this mission and for allowing me to facilitate these stories in ways I never imagined being able to.

Please share the podcast with everyone you know, and if you are interested in being a sponsor or guest, please get in touch with Jodi Watkins through her link at

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